Not Even Human

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Not Even Human


Trans Rights Are Human Rights

Transgender individuals are not asking for special treatment or privileges; they simply want to be able to live as their authentic selves without fear of persecution or harm.

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Trump and DeSantis at CPAC: The Unstoppable Comedy Duo

Ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourselves for the greatest political show on earth – Trump and DeSantis at CPAC. It’s the perfect pairing of two of the biggest political clowns in recent history, and they’re ready to take the stage and make America laugh again.

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gun nut

Marjorie Taylor Green, A Dangerous Idiot

Marjorie Taylor Green is a name that has become increasingly well-known in recent years. She is a Republican congresswoman from Georgia who has gained notoriety for her controversial comments and actions.

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Roger Waters And The Politics Of Pink Floyd

A friend recently posted a meme with Roger Waters in it, to which another friend replied “His politics are worse than Trump!”. Now, I know Roger Waters is not shy about his political views, but suffice it to say, I

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