Donald Trump Is A Big Fucking Asshole And Other Amazing Epiphanies

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I was listening to Donald Trump the other day and noticed something really amazing about him. He’s an asshole. Really. And I don’t mean an asshole in the sense that he’s doing things that I don’t like. Which he is. When I say “Donald Trump is an asshole”, I’m being objective. I’m simply pointing out a character trait which he inhabits. It’s a key tool for him, and for some reason his supporters mistake it for strength. It isn’t strength. It’s a mask for weakness that helps to drive the false reality he attempts to govern from.

Now I don’t want you to think that this is really a new Trump epiphany. It isn’t. It’s more the realization that he isn’t going to stop. Ever! He’s already running for the 2020 election by promising to continue his assholiness. His mocking of Hillary Clinton for crimes she never committed worked. His collaborating with a foreign government to subvert our democracy distort the vote worked. His flaunting of the constitution and the laws of our country, works for him. His power is, at least so far, unchecked. Mostly because so many refuse to see what is happening and instead gloat in a false reality.

He Lies Like Mussolini With Bravado To Create The Appearance Of Truth

Stunningly, Trump just today accused President Obama of not doing enough to stop Russian meddling in the campaign last year. Donald Trump himself invited that meddling, literally, on national television, in front of the entire world to see. The unmitigated gall this man exhibits is truly a masterwork of putrefaction. One can only stand in wonder at the multifaceted realities of pure crap this man has created and the throngs of crap eating supporters who suck up their spoon fed fecal matter like it’s filet mignon on a near daily basis. Anyone left with a thinking mind after listening to his shit-pablum is left, quite literally, stunned into stupefaction.

Not The Only Epiphany!

Along with being a big fucking asshole, I have begun to notice other defining characteristics in recent days which I feel are worth mentioning. I don’t actually expect that this will sway any of his supporters to be the slightest bit more objective about his asssholiness, but I’m going to give it a shot anyway.

  • He is not actually as “good with the blacks” as he says he is.
  • He does not like women who insist on thinking instead of letting him kiss them and grab their pussies.
  • Donald Trump does not like people who insist on thinking differently than he does.
  • Donald Trump will not be criticized.
  • He does not mean anything he says for more than 5 minutes.
  • He never said that.
  • People who don’t like him are all bad people and he never liked them anyway even if he never met them.
  • Has lived in the past and knows history better then you.
  • He knows everything better than everybody.
  • He is God’s adviser.
  • Has never asked for Christ’s forgiveness because he has never done anything wrong. (Not my epiphany. He actually said this.)

So  I’m in the midst of this stream of consciousness and will no doubt have more to write about soon. In the mean time, I invite you to apply a critical eye to Mr. Trump. I’m beginning to think there may be some fraud going on here. It’s just a hunch!