Why Does Lauren Boebert Insist On Being So Damned Stupid?

Despite being widely criticized for her ignorance and bigotry, she continues to double down on her controversial views, leaving many to wonder: why does she insist on being so damned stupid?

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Lauren Boebert is a controversial figure in American politics, known for her inflammatory statements and bizarre behavior. Despite being widely criticized for her ignorance and bigotry, she continues to double down on her controversial views, leaving many to wonder: why does she insist on being so damned stupid?


Lauren Boebert is a Republican congresswoman from Colorado who has made a name for herself by being outspoken, confrontational, and deeply uninformed. She is a staunch defender of gun rights, a conspiracy theorist, and a proud supporter of Donald Trump. Her brash personality and outrageous statements have made her a lightning rod for criticism and controversy, but she seems to relish the attention.


The Role of Ignorance in Politics
Before we dive into why Lauren Boebert is so stupid, let’s take a step back and consider the role of ignorance in politics more broadly. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for politicians to make uninformed or illogical statements in order to appeal to their base. This is especially true on the conservative side of the aisle, where anti-intellectualism is often seen as a virtue.


Boebert’s Greatest Hits
In order to understand just how dumb Lauren Boebert is, we need to take a look at some of her greatest hits. Here are just a few examples:


  • Boebert claimed that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
  • Boebert argued against mask mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic, claiming that they were a violation of her personal freedom.
  • Boebert tweeted that she would carry a gun in Congress, despite strict rules against firearms on Capitol Hill.
    Boebert questioned the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine, even after being vaccinated herself.
  • Boebert suggested that the 2017 Las Vegas shooting was a “false flag” operation carried out by the government.

The Appeal of Ignorance
So why does Lauren Boebert insist on being so stupid? One possibility is that it actually helps her politically. By taking controversial positions and spouting conspiracy theories, she appeals to a certain segment of the population that is skeptical of mainstream institutions and values. In other words, her ignorance is a feature, not a bug.


The Dangers of Anti-Intellectualism
While Lauren Boebert’s ignorance may be politically expedient, it is also deeply dangerous. In a world where misinformation and propaganda are increasingly prevalent, having elected officials who actively reject facts and expertise is a recipe for disaster. It undermines our ability to make informed decisions and solve complex problems, and it erodes our faith in the institutions that are meant to protect us.


Lauren Boebert may be a source of entertainment for some and a source of frustration for others, but there is no denying that her stupidity is a real problem. By ignoring facts and embracing conspiracy theories, she is doing a disservice to her constituents and to the country as a whole. It’s time for all of us to demand better from our elected officials.


Photo by Gage Skidmore