Trump Found To Be A Fucking Liar

Today, a New York judge found that the former president and his sons committed multiple counts of fraud and must divest of their businesses. 

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Today, a New York judge found that the former president and his sons committed multiple counts of fraud and must divest of their businesses. 


Lying for the Trumps is nothing new. For these people, lying and fraud are just a way of doing business. In the world of politics, truth and accuracy have long been subjects of debate, and former President Donald Trump’s statements have been no exception. Since leaving office in January 2021, fact-checkers and media organizations have closely examined his claims and statements, providing the public with a comprehensive look at the accuracy of his statements.


A comprehensive analysis conducted by multiple fact-checking organizations reveals a significant number of misleading or false statements made by Donald Trump during his time as President and in the years since. While it is important to note that all politicians make inaccurate statements from time to time, Trump’s frequency and scale of falsehoods have garnered substantial attention.


PolitiFact, a widely recognized fact-checking organization, has assessed over 750 statements made by Trump during his tenure as President, ranging from campaign promises to comments during press conferences and rallies. According to their analysis, only about 23% of these statements were rated as “True” or “Mostly True.” On the other hand, approximately 30% of the statements were deemed “False,” and an additional 14% received a “Pants on Fire” rating, reserved for claims that are outrageously false.


Another prominent fact-checking organization, The Washington Post’s Fact Checker, kept a meticulous tally of Trump’s false or misleading claims throughout his presidency. Their database recorded over 30,000 false or misleading statements over the course of four years. These claims spanned a wide range of topics, from the economy and healthcare to immigration and foreign policy.


While some supporters argue that these fact-checking efforts are politically motivated, it’s essential to acknowledge that fact-checkers scrutinize statements from politicians of all parties and affiliations. The goal is to hold leaders accountable and provide the public with accurate information.


Critics and opponents of Donald Trump argue that his disregard for the truth eroded public trust and undermined the credibility of the office of the President. Proponents, however, often point to his unconventional communication style and argue that his supporters value his unfiltered approach.


In the world of politics, the debate over truth and falsehoods is unlikely to subside. Public figures will continue to face scrutiny, and fact-checking organizations will persist in their mission to provide clarity and accuracy in an era of information overload.


As the nation continues to grapple with issues of misinformation and the importance of a well-informed electorate, the legacy of Donald Trump’s statements and their impact on the political discourse will remain a topic of discussion for years to come.

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